At Sperduto & Associates, each engagement we take is unique. For this reason, all services are individually tailored to meet the needs of each particular client. We know that our clients know their business best, and that any initiative that is successful will be carefully planned and executed with our clients working with us in close partnership. Needs are assessed prior to initiation of any work, and all parties involved are informed of procedures to be followed. Fees and anticipated costs of services are discussed and agreed upon in advance. All work is considered strictly confidential with each individual. Finally, we review our progress regularly to assure quality and accountability and to enable appropriate changes in emphasis and direction.
In selecting our staff, professionalism is our first concern. Only Ph.D. level psychologists manage our client relationships. Our corporate psychologists work as scientist-practitioners, using our Data-to-Action model to implement business solutions for our clients, beginning with measurement, moving to feedback and planning based on the data gathered in the measurement phase, and then going into the action phase, where results are achieved. Progress is then assessed by going back through the measurement process so that the feedback and planning can be recalibrated, based on the new data.
In addition, our services tend to build one upon the other as we move from services oriented to the individual level, to team-oriented services, and to services that have an organization-wide impact. For example, after conducting Psychological Assessments, for developmental purposes, and providing Executive Coaching for a number of individuals on the executive team of an organization, we could easily and efficiently leverage that information into a Teambuilding endeavor for the executive team. Then, subsequently, the work done in decreasing the silo mentality in the executive team could inform the realization that the organization is in need of a formal Talent Management process designed to further encourage cross-divisional sharing of talent for the good of the greater organization. Thus, we are able to leverage the work done at the individual level into the work done at the team level, and we are able to leverage the work done at both the individual and the team level into the organization level work.