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Survey Follow-Up
Survey Design
Survey Administration
Survey Analysis & Reporting
The S&A Survey Process
Action-planning is critical to improving satisfaction and employee engagement.
Reviewing survey results with employees is important, but taking action is what makes the real difference. Sperduto & Associates provides leaders with the training and materials needed to conduct action planning sessions and create their own action plans. Workbooks are also provided to help structure this task and provide a sense of consistency so employees can help each other.
Sharing your results throughout the organization is a vital part of the survey process, as it improves communication, builds trust, and demonstrates management’s commitment to action. We will train your leaders on how to conduct survey feedback session in which the results are shared and discussed.
The information we provide will help managers:
- Effectively prepare, begin, conduct, end, and evaluate the feedback meeting
- Present the statistical results as well as the major themes of the written comments
- Facilitate productive discussion of the results
- Develop a departmental and individual managerial action plan
- Develop a strategy for implementing action plans
- Communicate plans to top management
- Monitor progress
Survey Follow-Up
Our consultants are readily available to help with:
- Conducting focus groups for particular departments,
- Team building,
- Leadership training,
- and more!
We offer three modes of survey administration:
- By paper – Our paper-based surveys are typically distributed by the client and completed surveys are mailed to Sperduto & Associates. We can also conduct the survey administration process on-site. The paper-based approach is the preferred method until employees’ trust level is visible
- By web – You might want to consider an online survey. An online survey makes sense if employees are computer savvy, employees are geographically dispersed, or you need results fast! With our web surveys, our consultants do all the programming and data collection. Our Web services provide high reliability and dependability, and produce comparable response rates to our average 70% response rate obtained from our paper-survey method. Respondent have access to the survey 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is also a faster turnaround time with the online surveys. Response verification is built-in to assure all required questions are completed, and clients are protected against duplicate or unauthorized survey responses. Each grouping receives invitations with random identification numbers and passwords that are not connected to particular individuals. Each random identification number is linked to a particular department or grouping, yet confidentiality is still protected.
- Mixed Methodology – these modes can be combined but each group or department should utilize only one survey method to preserve validity.
Our instrument is statistically valid as a measure of overall employee engagement and job satisfaction. There is high internal reliability and validity for each factor. To ensure validity, we use three measure of satisfaction: a self-report measure, the average of all items, and the percentage of employees with positive morale.
- Items have been selected based on their correlation with patient satisfaction, turnover, and other work outcomes that impact the bottom line of the organization.
- Rigorous statistical analyses are conducted to ensure high inter-factor validity.
- All items are simply worded and leave little room for interpretation.
Response Rates/Employee Commitment Index
Our consultants will work with you to achieve the maximum survey response rate possible. Our average response rate for both web and paper surveys is over 70%
The two factors that have been shown to most impact participation are pre-survey communication and the belief in the confidentiality of individual surveys. We recommend various strategies to promote communication, such as contests, awards, example materials, newsletters, and announcements. We also offer plans to assure confidentiality such as business return envelopes.
We are flexible with deadlines and report back response rates frequently to assist in targeting low response groups that, otherwise, might not receive feedback. We will also provide ongoing support in increasing your participation rate and reassuring employees that their responses will be kept anonymous and confidential.
Customize Your Survey
The survey is completely customizable – we fit the survey and its processes to your organizational goals, culture, and strategy. We allow our clients to add or delete questions or factors from our survey template as long as the reliability, validity, and usefulness of the survey is not compromised We encourage organizations to develop their own set of meaningful demographics and to review and adjust items to meet their strategic and unique needs as an organization.
Survey Languages
Multiple languages are available. A Spanish, Portuguese, French, Haitian Creole version of the survey is provided, if requested at no additional cost.
Types of Surveys
Our customizable full survey has approximately 75 elements. This survey yields rich data from 22-25 work-related categories, yet only takes about 15 minutes to complete! Our pulse surveys range from 20-35 items. One problem with many employee engagements and satisfaction surveys is they sacrifice the need for critical information for time savings. These shorter surveys do not provide leaders with sufficient data to understand employee feedback and action-planning effectively.
However, for clients wanting to “temperature check” of employee satisfaction or wanting to gauge the success of their action plans, improvements, and changes, we offer our Pulse Survey, which is a shorter version of our full survey. This customizable Pulse Survey consists of approximately 20-35 items that are significantly correlated with organizational outcomes. It is a valid tool that will provide a satisfaction and engagement score for each department.
Our Norms
We possess an extensive and current database that we continuously build. There are between 200 to 600 organizations for each item. The database is current through 2007 and includes data received since 2002. This database reflects the changes in attitude of workers over the past decade. There are between 100,000 and 1 million comparison data points in the database for each item, depending on the item itself. With a database of this size, the addition of more respondents rarely changes the norm values. As such, we try to maintain our norms to reflect changes in the marketplace. That is to say, we want to compare your results with information obtained from other organizations over the past few years, not compiled from 10 to 15 years of surveys. Thus, we keep our norms fresh by recomputing them annually to reflect the most recent employee attitudes.
We can provide you with norms based on the overall workforce and various other demographic characteristics, such as the following:
- Union norms
- RN norms (and other job classifications)
- Regional norms
- Magnet norms
- Home health/hospice norms
- Organization size
- Length of service
Norms are useful because, not only will they give you a general understanding of how you are doing compared to others, they will help you make a better-informed decisions in your action-planning. For example, a significant deviation from the norm for one item may suggest your efforts have been working and should be continued, while an item that is dramatically above the norm may suggest that devoting additional to this area would result in minimal return on your investment. Scoring significantly below the norm on an item may suggest that there is room for improvement and more resources should be allocated to this area.
In addition, not only will we benchmark your performance against others in the industry, we'll compare your data against your historical detail to enable easy comparisons against your own past performance
You may choose to include any or all of the following factors.
- Image
- Quality
- Patient Safety
- Top Management
- Department Head
- Supervisor
- Communication
- Treatment
- Opportunity for Advancement
- Compensation
- Benefits
- Coworkers
- Physician Relations
- Your Job
- Individual Goals and Objective
- Organization Mission and Goals
- Department Mission and Goals
- Work pressures
- Job Security
- Rewards and Recognition
- Individual Development
- Diversity
- Survey Engagement
- Or, add your own category!
Laying the Groundwork for Successful Survey
A liaison from your company will coordinate efforts with S&A. We will guide you through the survey process and provide you with best-practices information. We help the Executives or HR representative with every decision along the way, including choices regarding the following:
- Defining the scope, goals, and objectives of the survey
- Assessing your organization’s readiness
- Developing a kick-off date and logistics plan
- Developing survey items
- Deciding which demographic items to gather
- Choosing the appropriate administration method(s)
- Creating a coding system that captures data for use at different levels of the organization
- Determining how surveys will be collected or mailed
- Determining how best to inform employees and supervisors about the survey to maximize return rate
- Developing communication materials
- Developing statistical groupings
- Selecting relevant demographic information to gather
We have developed proprietary methods to protect the validity of your employee survey, while maintaining respondent anonymity. For paper surveys, business reply envelopes are provided for employees to return surveys in the mail if employees do not feel comfortable putting them in centrally located boxes throughout the facility. For web surveys, random identification numbers and passwords are generated and are not connected to particular individuals. Written comments are also edited to remove any information that could identify individuals.
Ease of Survey Administration/Timing
Survey Administration:
Paper surveys are distributed at department meetings and collected in boxes or mailed to our firm. We will train someone to administer the surveys.
Web surveys invitations are provided to each department head and can be completed at work or at home.
Survey Completion Time:
On average, the survey takes between 10 and 15 minutes to finish, complete with written comments. However, the time it takes to complete the survey varies by individual and length of time since last survey.
The survey is written at a seventh grade reading level.
Employees will get numerical ratings to items and be asked to provide written comments. The survey will measure attitude towards 22 – 25 factors that impact morale, productivity, quality, turnover, and other important organizational outcomes.
Response Rate Updates
S&A will update the liaison on a regular basis as to the number of completed surveys by department that are received. These are critical to target departments with low response rates.
Turnaround Time
The formal of delivery of results is scheduled for three weeks after the receipt of the last employee survey; however, preliminary results are to typically available in some form within a day or two after receiving the last survey. The amount of time it takes to complete the process really depends on client responsiveness and how long it takes employees to complete the survey. The typical timeframe from project agreements to presentation of results is usually about nine weeks.
Assessing Readiness
Before you conduct an employee attitude survey, it is very important to assess your organization’s readiness. Before initiating a survey, you must ask yourself the following questions:
- Will you commit the necessary time and resources to effectively conduct the survey and review results?
- What has happened with previous survey results?
- Do you have the sponsorship of top management?
- What will you do with the information?
- How will you implement the solutions
- How eill you present the results to employees and show them your commitment to change?
Project Initiation and Coordination *to be decided
Survey & Material Development at 2 weeks
Survey Administration at 3 weeks
Return of Surveys at 5 weeks
Analysis of Survey Results at 5-7 weeks
Report of Survey Results at 8 weeks
- Preliminary results are available as early as 1-2 days after all surveys are received.
We will help you develop a communication plan that explains the following:
- The survey timeline
- The role of each employee
- Response rate incentives
- Top Management’s commitment to the process
- Confidentiality of the survey results
Our User-Friendly Reports
Our presentation of results is the most user–friendly and understandable presentation available. Clients rave about the appearance, structure, and professionalism of our work product. We train both top management and department leaders in interpreting the individual results and communicating the results back to employees.
Data is reported in the most usable format for clients. Years of experience have proven that results are most effective when provided as change scores AND deviations from the norm. Color is used to differentiate significant positive and negative deviations from the norm. Reports are presented in a ready-to-distribute format, with accompanying graphs. Every departmental report has a corresponding Leadership Toolkit with scripting and action–planning templates.
Quantitative and Qualitative Reports
One of the factors that differentiates our process from other firms' processes is our focus on the presentation and understanding of results. We review the survey information from quantitative results to written comments with the leadership team. In preparing the results, we take care to ensure that the information is fully understood. It is not "canned" or computer-generated. A psychologist will analyze the data, review all written comments, synthesize the findings, and present that information in a usable manner.
Demographics & Sub-Group Reports
We work with the client to develop the best way of reporting results back to the organization. Results are broken down in a way that makes conceptual, strategic, and tactical sense for the organization. Sample breakdowns include position and shift. This data can be used to inform strong recruitment and retention initiatives.
Comparing Data with Previous Surveys
We have the ability to compare data from previous surveys conducted by other providers.
Final Written Reports
Each user-friendly report is customized to meet the need of the client and is comprehensive. Our reports are customized and not “canned”. An executive summary is provided that includes:
- Review of response rates and engagement rates,
- Measures of satisfaction and engagement,
- Areas of satisfaction and dissatisfaction,
- Specific results for subgroups and areas,
- A content analysis of the written comments, and
- Recommendations for action
Presenting the Results
One of the factors that differentiates our process from other firms’ processes is our focus on the presentation of the results and the training of top management and department heads in using the results.
We prepare a user-friendly presentation for top management that summarizes results, suggests a communication plan, and aids in the action-planning process. We also review the results in a department head meeting where overall results are discussed, individual results are disseminated and reviewed action-planning is discussed, and participants learn how to present the results back to their groups. This is a structured process with manuals, scripting, and clear instructions.
Each quantitative report includes:
- Number of respondents, number of expected employees and response rate
- Overall level of satisfaction
- Average level of satisfaction
- Percent positive morale
- Heath care norms
- Item and factor deviations from the norm
- Changes from previous survey
- Significant score increases are in the green type, and significant score decreases are in red to draw attention to areas where scores have declined.
Qualitative Reports
Our survey also includes a write-in comments section, which allows your employees to express their thoughts on job-related subjects.
Click here for sample comment questions
Verbatim written comments by department and/or job position are provided in the report. Any information that might compromise anonymity of respondents is deleted from the comments. Also included in the report is a summary of written comments.