Exit interviews are an important tool to help organizations pinpoint the causes of turnover and implement strategies to increase retention. Done correctly, this can result in substantial financial savings, greater customer satisfaction, and improved employee satisfaction. Many of our clients have seen the positive results that come from a well-developed exit interview process. Factors that have been shown to impact the effectiveness of exit interviews include:
- customizing a survey to fit the needs of your organization,
- collecting information that helps with future recruiting,
- collecting information on employee willingness to consider returning to work, and being able to classify reasons for leaving into categories that lead to specific action plans for improvement.
Our Approach:
Our consultants work with you to determine the appropriate processes to capture information. We then use the data to improve organizational and employee outcomes. Our psychologists will note trends, help with interventions as appropriate, and analyze the relationship between turnover and employee satisfaction ratings. Our user-friendly systems and detailed reports can help your organization gather open and honest information to help identify potential action opportunities to increase retention, employee engagement, productivity, morale, and loyalty. This, in turn, decreases the loss of valuable human capital and further strengthens the organization’s culture and commitment to current employees.
Benefits of Conducting Exit Interviews:
- Identify why productive people leave and decrease unwanted turnover
- Identify specific management issues that may not be revealed during a person’s time of employment
- Decrease the loss of valuable human capital
- Increase employee engagement, productivity, and loyalty
- Gain access to a continual stream of data to improve organizational effectiveness by determining and quantifying where improvements have had a positive impact and which areas still require improvement
- Gather honest employee feedback and
- Create a positive atmosphere around leaving and increase willingness to return to the organization by those who have turned over voluntarily.
Click here to view a power point presentation of the S&A survey process.
Please call us at 404/577-1178 to discuss how we can assist you with this service.