It IS lonely at the top.
Few people face on a daily basis the level of pressure and stress experienced by top leaders and executives responsible for the financial success of a broad base of stakeholders. In our experience, we have found that executives find it invaluable to have a neutral and unbiased external third party to provide guidance, feedback, and open dialogue about the challenges faced by their organization and its leaders.
Our executive coaching process involves regular, one-on-one meetings tailored to the individual and unique needs of the executive. As part of this process, we conduct a Psychological Assessment to determine the executive’s pattern of personality strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the position, the work environment, and the organizational culture. In addition, we gather information from additional sources, such as a 360° Feedback Survey. From this information, we assist executives in determining optimal ways to leverage their assets and build on their developmental opportunities.
Click here to view our Model of Executive Coaching.
In our experience with coaching executives, we have found that a number of our other services can also play an important role in helping executives succeed. To learn more, read about some of our related services:
- Leadership Development
- Culture Change
- Teambuilding
- 360° Feedback Survey
- Merger & Acquisition
- Organizational Design & Restructuring
- Psychological Assessment
Please call us at 404/577-1178 to discuss how we can assist you with this service.